Brand new from DIGS and reduced for this week's FLF:
Rigby Bench
3 colours, and seats one single avatar and one couple.
Click here to visit the store.
Please join the Fifty Linden Fridays group inworld, or follow our Flickr for updates from our designers!
Every Friday, a group of designers will place an item in the front of their mainstore marked down for 50L. The item might be something from the store marked down, or maybe an exclusive, special item. Each week the designers and items will rotate. The items will be available from 12am SLT on Friday until 11:59pm SLT on Friday.
This week, the designers are:
ANEBALACLAVAbrocante.Cureless+Dead DollzDIGSFancy DecorFunky JunkGlow StudiosHEXtraordinaryIngenueLivalleLuxuriaMaxi GossamerOleanderPilottanakamura-kaguWasabi Pills
More to come soon!
Iris <3