27 Nov 2014

Tromso Bench for FLF

On Friday 28th November, the Tromso Bench will be on sale and reduced for Fifty Linden Friday!

This simple rustic wooden bench with nordic throw will suit any indoor or outdoor space. There is a frost option for the surface, as well as 5 different throw textures.

The bench will seat 1-2 avatars independently or a couple.

It's winter now at DIGS, so come and pay us a visit!

Please join the Fifty Linden Fridays group inworld, or follow our Flickr for updates from our designers!
Every Friday, a group of designers will place an item in the front of their mainstore marked down for 50L. The item might be something from the store marked down, or maybe an exclusive, special item.  Each week the designers and items will rotate.  The items will be available from 12am SLT on Friday until 11:59pm SLT on Friday.
This week, the designers are: 

Glow Studios
Wasabi Pills
L. Warwick
Funky Junk
Little Bones
FAUN / Wonton

More to come soon!

Iris <3

14 Nov 2014

Heritage Loveseat and The Neighbourhood

The Heritage Loveseat matches the previously released Heritage Armchair, and is out now in 3 different colours, each with a variety of blanket and pillow textures, and available in PG or Adult versions.
Contains single poses and activities like reading and drinking coffee, but also contains a range of couples poses.

Just for Saturday 15th November, the PG versions of the Heritage Loveseat will be reduced to 200L each. 
Click here to visit the store.
Every Saturday, a select group of home and garden designers will participate once a month as part of a rotation, and will put out a new item at the front of their mainstore. Items will be new, or a new and exclusive recolour of an existing item, and will be priced at 200L for 24 hours.

Rounds will be on every Saturday at midnight and will end at 11:59PM. Management is not responsible for stores missing their turns.

This week's participants are:

Cheeky Pea
Dysfunctional Designs
22769 ~ [bauwerk]
Artisan Fantasy

Have a great weekend,

Iris <3